Sunday Bloody Sunday(U2)

因為宗教上有差異:愛爾蘭是信舊教天主教,而英格蘭,蘇格蘭多為新教(聖公會及長老會),北部愛爾蘭地區剛好接近一半一半,愛爾蘭多為塞爾提克人後裔,英國是盎格魯撒克遜人,因此仇恨歧視不斷在此地醞釀. 血腥事件不斷出現,愛爾蘭共和軍在英人統治時代就已有許多攻擊英國社區等報復手段,英國軍隊也以暴力方式還以顏色,雙方仇恨越結越深,二次戰後更常發生暗殺,爆炸案等等接進恐怖份子行為已迫使英方讓步.....

I can't believe the news today
Oh, I can't close my eyes
And make it go away
How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long? How long...
'cause tonight...we can be as one

Broken bottles under children's feet
Bodies strewn across the dead end street
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up
Puts my back up against the wall

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

And the battle's just begun
There's many lost, but tell me who has won
The trench is dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters
Torn apart

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long? How long...
'cause tonight...we can be as one

Sunday, Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Wipe the tears from your eyes
Wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away
Oh, wipe your tears away
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Oh, wipe your blood shot eyes
(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Sunday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

And it's true we are immune
When fact is fiction and TV reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die

(Sunday, Bloody Sunday)

The real battle just begun
To claim the victory Jesus won

Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunday Bloody Sunday...

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