
1. Out of Sight:戰略高手 George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez acted in this all this superb romantic love thriller. Must watch.

2. His Girl Friday (1940): Milestone for romantic movies in those days.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005): Set the tone for real life romance for the couple (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie).

4. Body Heat (1981)體熱(凱薩琳透那)

5. Bull Durham (1988)

6. Don’t Look Now (1973): Movie has unforgettable best love making scene.

7. Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001): Mexican movie.

8. The Last of the Mohicans (1992): Historican romantic movie.

9. A Walk on the Moon (1999)

10. Before Sunset (2004)

11. Once
12. The Fabulous Baker Boys
13. Shakespeare in Love 莎翁情史
14. The Year of Living Dangerously
15. Notorious

16. The Seven Year Itch 七年之癢
17. Mulholland Drive
18. Swimming Pool

19. The Notebook 手扎情緣

20. Titanic: 鐵達尼Highest box-office grosser.

21. Basic Instinct:第六感追緝令(沙朗史東) One scene is enough.

22. Mississippi Masala
23. The Age of Innocence
24. 9 ½ Weeks(愛妳九週半) 米奇洛克
25. The Postman Always Rings Twice 郵差總按兩次鈴(潔西卡蘭芝)
26. The English Patient 英倫情人

27. Unfaithful 出軌(黛安蓮恩)
28. Love & Basketball
29. Bound
30. Maurice
31. American Gigolo 美國舞男(李察基爾)

32. Cruel Intentions
33. She’s Gotta Have It
34. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
35. sex, lies, and videotape 性謊言錄影帶
36. Ghost 第六感生死戀

37. In the Mood for Love
38. Secretary
39. The Talented Mr. Ripley
40. The Last Seduction
41. The Bodyguard 終極保鑣(凱文科斯那)

42. Little Children 身為人母(凱特溫斯雷)
43. Dirty Dancing
44. King Kong
45. The Bridges of Madison County 麥迪遜之橋(克林依斯威特)
46. Like Water for Chocolate

47. Kissing Jessica Stein
48. How Stella Got Her Groove Back
49. Yossi & Jagger
50. 300.

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